This new edition of the Social Report brings to you the actions of social impact promoted by the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul – PUCRS, São Lucas Hospital – HSL and the Brain Institute – BraIns. These three Marist Network initiatives delivered important results to the community in 2018, in an effort to strengthen the commitment towards innovation as well as local, regional and national development. This commitment is inspired by the values of the Marist Brothers, which are the legacy of Saint Marcellin Champagnat.
This report includes the relevant mission of HSL and BraIns, and some of the highlights that contribute to the position earned by PUCRS in the year of its 70th anniversary: the best private university in the south of Brazil, as per the General Index of Higher Education Programs (IGC/MEC). This is another outcome of the dedication of more than 6,8 thousand people who give their best every day.